Aug 6Liked by Lisa Marks

I think it's a great idea to have a 'pause and reset' time whether that's a month or a longer period. As I approach my 70s I look back and can see how I've handled each decade. In my 40s I learned new stuff and set myself new challenges. When I reached 60, I started that decade by retiring, having worked non-stop for 40 years. I set myself a big challenge and took up new interests.

But my 50s? I consider my 50s the decade I paused and reset, as you discuss. I think it's natural when we reach this time in our life to slow down and take stock. I went from an exhausting full on job to a three-days-a-week job share. Cutting back and the drop in salary was a big decision but paying off my mortgage after 25 years allowed me to do this; I know many are not this lucky, but no longer having a season train ticket to London saved the odd thousand as well!

Don't worry about about your early mid-life years. You've achieved so much you deserve to go a bit slower and decide what you want from the rest of your life. When you're full steam ahead in your 60s, you can look back like I do and think "Yeah, I had time off and slowed down in my 50s and that really did me good!"

Whatever happens, enjoy your life and as Primal Scream advise, just be free to do what you wanna do, even if as the song goes, it's get loaded and have a good time!

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This is so interesting, Julie. When you step back and look at life it's so interesting to study how our purpose reveals itself, and also what you need to do at different stages in order to serve yourself and keep healthy etc. I'm going to take this to heart: 'you deserve to go a bit slower and decide what you want from the rest of your life'. Things are much more unsettled for me so I do have to find a way to keep my head above water but with a blank canvas and a rested mind and body, anything could happen!

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Enjoy your August of just being and resetting, Lisa. I’ve been swimming in the sea this week. I’m usually much too ‘nesh’ for sea swimming but thought, what the hell. Enjoying it!

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Fantastic! Where do you swim? I was going to head down again today but the wind is up and yesterday, I was buffeted around like a barrel in a storm. Hopefully, I'll be able to swim tomorrow but we're so beholden to weather and also tide times here. Love how it makes me feel though!

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We’re on the Isle of Wight, so no excuse, really! It’s right there!

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Hahaha no excuse at all!!

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Looking forward to it, Lisa!! Enjoy this August for starters!

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Thank you, Jeanine! Just had a wonderful swim and a very lazy afternoon. So far, so good!

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how beautifully put... here's to gifting ourselves August... in whatever form that may take.

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Thanks Lou. I'm so glad it resonated. A new dawn is upon us. x

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